How To Kill Shower Mold Naturally With Borax

Borax Kills Shower Mold Naturally


Borax is wonderful stuff to have around your house. It has amazing effectiveness in washing dishes, laundry and killing that dreaded black mold you can sometimes get around your shower or bath tub in the caulking or grout.

The problem many people have is trying to get rid of it naturally. It is a big job, even for the many chemical concoctions they have out there and it can be really stubborn to get out once it has set in.


If you scrub the caulking with a stiff brush, you can pretty much scrub it away, so the best way to do this is try to kill it gradually over time. One application of Borax will do great, but you may have to use it repeatedly depending on the problem.

Treat with good old soap and water and a soft brush or cloth to get the surface mold off, then use a borax and water solution and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping clean.

Borax does a great job of Killing the mold and preventing it from growing again.


Keeping it green!

