Eco-friendly cleaning tips – how to have your home cleaned without the dangers of the modern detergents

Eco-Friendly cleaning Atlanta

With the spread of the nature-friendly lifestyle since the middle of the twentieth century, the literature on the topic has grown quite large. There are many aspects of this rediscovered way of living. One of them is cleaning. It is among the most important things, alongside eating, because we cannot live without it. Although we will be unable to cover this huge topic in just one article, we will try to present to you some clever, inexpensive and, above all, harmless to nature and to human beings cleaning techniques. The materials involved in each will be easy-to-get things, available at the local supermarket or grocery store.

Cleaning the house can be very boring and can take ages to be completed. Furthermore, even if you have not realized it, the usage of the most widespread cleaning detergents can cause damage to your health in the long run. So, the first advice towards a more eco-friendly way of living is to get rid of the detergents that you probably keep under your kitchen sink. Now we will give you the recipes for their substitutes.

It is very easy to prepare cleaning solutions and homemade detergents. The most popular ingredient vinegar. It can found literally in every grocery store or supermarket and there are many types of vinegar available on the market. Although they have different tastes, all of them have the same cleaning effect.
Our first tip will be about cleaning glass. There is plenty of glass in the house and there usually are at least several mirrors, which are often touched with bare hands and have nasty fingerprints on them. For the making of a cleaning detergent for the glass you will need nothing more than vinegar and water. Just mix ¼ cup of vinegar with half a liter of water and fill the substance into a spray bottle. Instead of a cotton cloth, use a microfiber cloth that enhances the clean and picks up dust and lint from the mirrors and windows.Eco Friendly Cleaning Atlanta

The bathroom tiles collect lots of dirt over time and the most dangerous thing about it is that it is unseen and you may not even realize it is there. Again, vinegar will be used for its removal. Mix 1 part of soda, 4 parts of water and 2 parts of vinegar in a pail and, using a mop or a rag, carefully clean the tiles and the joins between them. With regular cleaning of the bathroom you will save yourself the hard time of curing the parasitic fungi, which threaten your feet.

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