Getting Rid Of Sugar Ants

You may be wondering what sugar ants look like. The pest control professionals can tell you that these creatures are just those large, black headed ants that you commonly see in groups crawling all over your kitchen sink and floors. Generally speaking, they make a home out of rocks and soil on your lawn. Sugar ants tend to be very busy, especially during the warm, humid weathers. The pest control can aid you with this problem.

They got their name because they are enticed to sweet-tasting foods. Take note though that even if they are called “sugar ants”, sweet foods are not only the stuff they eat. They also chew on other foods, small insects and creatures like caterpillars.

Sugar ants tend to be bothersome and irritating; especially if you find them swarming in your cabinets. Although they aren’t harmful, you’d still want to get rid of them. Here are some tips you can use to keep them out for good.

o Cleanliness is very important in keeping pests away. Since foods are a target for sugar ants, it’s best to keep your kitchen clean at all times. This would mean washing the dishes after meals. Wipe the kitchen sink of any food debris or spills to prevent the sugar ants from getting in. When it comes to trash, be sure to empty them on a regular basis and keep your trash can clean. Always keep the trash bin dry.

o Borax powder can be used on sugar ants. Just be reminded that borax can be harmful to children and pets. What you should do is sprinkle the material all over the path where the sugar ants pass. When they do, they will eat the powder which is actually toxic to them. The powder will kill them eventually.

o In case you have pets at home, never ever leave their food outside your house since toads can reach out to food. They are quite enticed to pet food. Toads have secretions that can be very harmful to dogs and it’s best to keep food sources out of their reach.

o If you have a fish pond in your garden, you may want to put a small fence around it, enough to stop them from getting in. The fence must be at least about a foot high and make sure that the toads will not be able to dig under the fencing. Fishes in ponds favor water movement and prevent toads from inhabiting the area.

In getting rid of sugar ants, bear in mind that your perseverance in keeping a clean and healthy home is every important. For maximum results, feel free to ask the assistance of a pest control professional. Opting for pest control will make things easier for you.

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