Environmentally friendly cleaning is important

Enviromentally Friendly cleaning Atlanta 

Most people in the world are aware of the deteriorating nature of the environment. However, due to the way in which we tend to live our lives, it seems that no one is really that prepared to get on with anything that will get in the way of their day to day, even if it does mean helping to save the planet for future generations. You will find that by changing the way that you do things, you can cut out a lot of the harmful parts of your day to day, and therefore contribute a little towards getting the human race back on track. Unfortunately, it will take millions of people to be doing the same to have a greater impact, but if you don’t start, then who will?

Kicking the traits of lazy human beings into a system of action starts with the home, and cleaning is a great example of a ‘throwaway’ culture where humans refuse to work a little harder than they need to. Taking a look at the ways in which you clean, and the things that you could do to reduce the impact that they have on the environment will give you a great point from which to change the other harmful processes in your life. There are two main aspects to cleaning that make them bad for the planet. One is the matter of ‘throwing away’ things so regularly, and the other is the nature of the materials that you use in cleaning, from plastics to bleaches, and how they affect the planet.

For a start, how regularly do you throw away things that you clean with? Kitchen towels, used up sponges, J-cloths are all part of the regular cleaning utensils that people use to get their homes looking and feeling great. Cleaning is important, but it need not be done in such a wasteful manner. You will find that by reducing the amount that you throw away, the more that you save. Why not use flannels that are washable and reusable, rather than paper towels or sponges that have a three day life span? There is a huge amount of grease and gunk involved in cleaning, so it is no surprise that these cleaning products are chucked, as they cannot be cleaned themselves! If you want to be really resourceful, you could cut up old towels and clothes that would be thrown away, to make a variety of cleaning rags that can be washed in the machine over and over, reducing the production of papers and plastics, and also reducing the amount in landfill sites.Environmentally friendly cleaning Atlanta

Chemicals are a great strain on the earth. The harmful components of many household cleaners are as much a danger to your body as they are to the delicate eco systems that thrive on the water ways that you flush them in to. The increases in dangerous chemicals in streams can kill off whole food chains, upsetting the balances of life in the animals, fish, birds and insects that live in those areas. The demise of bees is predicted to have devastating effects on the human race, as they provide such an important part of the natural order of the planet, so what else are you killing every time you flush bleach down the toilet? Using more natural products like vinegar, lemon and baking soda can reduce the impact that the chemicals used in your house have on the environment. You will no doubt find that they are just as effective, and a lot cheaper than those in the supermarket as well!

For further helpful tips, visit: http://uphosterycleaning.co.uk/domestic-cleaning/

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