Increasing your protection of the environment through cleaning


Your contribution to the decline in the atmosphere may be small, but it takes solo efforts to combine and make big changes, so if you do not start by addressing the issues that are present in how you do things, then how will such efforts come together? In many ways there will be little that you feel is worthwhile, but you have to try at least, as otherwise you can not go on in a guilt free way! There are plenty of ways in which you can change your cleaning habits to ensure that you are not making the world a worse place for future generations, and they do not take a huge amount of effort on your part, just a change in attitude. A few pointers should help you get started with this new train of cleaning Atlanta

For a start, what kind of things do you use in your cleaning? Most households will use regular chemical based cleaners that contain harmful chemicals which get flushed into the water systems. The water systems in this country are not water tight, funnily enough, and that means that the contents of our water systems affects the water systems in the countryside. Flushing harmful chemicals into the waterways, and so in to the smaller environments of birds, plants, fish, animals and insects will cause considerable damage to those eco systems as the level of dangerous chemicals increases. You will no doubt understand that these eco systems will survive on a delicate balance of minerals and PH levels in the water that they drink and live in, so your bleach could be affecting the whole food chain in the area. The destruction of smaller habitats for animals by humans is what is killing off the bees which are so vital in our own survival, so do your part, and avoid using chemicals cleaners. These cleaners are bad for humans as well, breathing in their fumes, and getting them on your skin can lead to respiratory illness and rashes, especially in younger children. You will no doubt want to ensure that your kids are safe, even if the rest of the world is less of a problems, so it is worth finding alternatives. Try looking at eco friendly cleaning products that use plant extracts and minerals to get their cleaning done, which do not affect the chemical balance in the waterways, and will be kinder on your skin and lungs. These companies usually make their bottles from recycled, refillable bottles, which will reduce the amount of plastics that you consume as well. Not all can afford the mark up on these eco-conscious products, so have a think about how you could make your own eco-cleaner using natural ingredients like lemon, vinegar and baking soda. There are a surprising number of cleaning ‘recipes’ on the internet that are great for cleaning in the home, you just have to find the right ones for you!house cleaning Atlanta

Reducing the throw-away nature of cleaning in your home is essential as well. You will find that cleaning harnesses a lot of disposable products, simply because people want to get rid of dirt with the minimum effort. Using reusable sponges, cloths and flannels will reduce how often you throw things away, which will reduce your contribution to landfill sites across the globe. This extends to the tools that you use, which should avoid using plastics, as they are bad for the environment in both how they are produced, as well as how, and how regularly they are disposed of.

Guest post provided on behalf of: Kentishtown house cleaning

Effortless Actions To Effectively Save Water

With each passing day, our environment is under strain because of increased amounts of air pollution. Our cherished resources are being squandered on a daily basis and a lot people don’t even know it. Take water as an example, almost every person

on the planet wastes at least 1 gallon of water every day. And because their are billions of people on the planet, this means that we are totally wasting no less than 2 billions gallons of water each and every day.

In this article we are going to examine a few ways that water is being wasted, and also a few simple things you can do to help prevent the waste. These are very simple guidelines that take no more work from you, except the fact that you will need to keep them in mind throughout your day.

One of the means men and women are totally wasting water is when they are brushing their teeth. To begin with this could seem ridiculous but if many people did this, it would quickly add up to be a big saving. Also remember that there are billions of individuals, that’s why it can all add up to a significant amount. Many people brush their teeth twice, once each morning and also once at night. Now 90% of men and women when brushing their own teeth, leave the water running while brushing. If a person brushes their teeth twice a day for 3 to 5 minutes per session, they are letting no less than 2 gallons of water every day go right into the sewage system or their septic tank. If we do the math again, billions of people doing this would certainly account for huge water loss globally. Think about how much you could conserve if you merely switched off the water when cleaning your teeth.

Another thing that people do to waste water is definitely their laundry. Now I recognize that you need to do laundry. However many people will only take a couple pairs of pants two or three shirts and run a full wash through. This is totally wasting about 30 gallons of water each time you think about the wash and also rinse cycle. Remember to modify the water level on the washer to match your requirements for the specific load that you are running. Alternatively, I would recommend that you simply put on a load whenever there is enough clothes to completely fill it.

One last point to remember would be to save water when washing your car. While I am aware of the value of having a clean automobile and it can actually help your car last longer which in turn helps the planet, you don’t need to waste so much water. Never leave the water running while you are washing your car, you can waste up to 100 gallons of water each time you wash your car and leave the water running the whole time. Try and take your car or truck to be washed at a car wash whenever you can. A lot of car washes recycle the water used therefore very little water is being wasted.

And finally, should you put in a rain water tank, you certainly don’t need to concern yourself with water usage so much. There are many different styles of poly water tanks whether you need a rounded, slimline or below ground model. There are even water tanks you can put beneath your patio. In addition they come in a variety of sizes which range from small 1000 litre capacity ones up to very large 38,000 litre tanks. They’re also not as expensive as perhaps you might think to buy. Basically they permit you to have a less restrictive lifestyle with regards to the way you use water, and in today’s modern period they’re able to look quite classy adding to the visual appeal of your home.

A Few Ways People Can Start Conserving Water

For people looking to live green you need to recognize that there are plenty of steps you can take and everybody has their own ideas on what should be done. There are several folks that are doing their part by cutting back on the volume of fuel t

hey use every day by riding bicycles and walking more as opposed to driving. You are going to find that there are a few individuals around that are just unable to scale back on their driving because they live so far away from everything, but there are other options. One of these other options we’re discussing that individuals have to be able to start living green is by conserving water and this can be accomplished rather easily.

One of the initial things you ought to understand is that if you simply cut back on the volume of time you’re in the shower every single day you are going to be able to conserve a great amount of water. You need to be aware that there are people throughout the planet who invest plenty of time in the shower every single day, a few of these individuals will even invest up to an hour. While many individuals will simply take one shower every day many other men and women end up taking a few showers each day and this can wind up wasting a huge selection of gallons of water. If individuals would cut down their shower times to 5 or 10 minutes and only took one shower a day the amount of water that could be saved is astronomical.

There’s yet another way that you could end up saving on water in that is by utilizing the rain water that you can get out of your gutters for certain things around the house. water tanks are a great choice for collecting rain water even though you could also improvise using barrels. Definitely get yourself a rain water tank if you’re able to afford one. One thing you need to understand about doing this is that you will be conserving a great deal of water because you’ll no longer be using traditional tap water to water your garden or lawn throughout the dry times. Watering your lawn and garden aren’t the only actions you can take with this water as you will find that you can also water your livestock or pets together with this same water. Even if you only wind up saving 10 gallons of water every single day by using this strategy that’s still a savings of over 3500 gallons of water for each home, and you ought to be able to see how this can make a difference.

You need to be aware that washing dishes can also be a way folks are wasting water simply because they are going to leave the water running throughout the dish-washing process. By leaving the water shut off when your washing dishes and rinsing your dishes after they’ve all been washed you’ll have the ability to save plenty of water each day. This little trick alone could end up conserving a great deal of water every year especially if everyone would stick to this simple tactic.

By using the techniques above as well as finding other ways in your own home to conserve water you are able to have a terrific effect on our world for years to come. If everybody would simply do their part our world could actually have a fighting chance.

Organic Living Means Cleaning Up Your Household Environment

While living your life naturally could mean different things for different people, the one thing everyone can agree on is to have a home free of chemicals. This approach means making use of less chemical household products, less chemicals in your food, and less chemicals in the water we drink or the air we breathe.

Why rely upon your local government for water? The level of chemical treatment and electrical power it requires to get fit for drinking and pumped to your home is huge. An excellent alternative for your water needs is by installing a poly water tank which will collect rainwater that you can then use on your garden. An extra benefit, is you will preserve precious water resources. Making use of rainwater tanks is an excellent option which also helps the environment. Using water tanks isn’t only eco-friendly, but it is also cost-effective. So think about turning your house into an eco-friendly house.

A lot of household cleaners are loaded with chemical compounds. Many people are not cognizant of how dangerous the chemicals really are when inhaled. With minimal contact, these chemicals can nevertheless trigger skin irritation and inhalation problems. Phenol or cresol are a pair of chemicals in a lot of disinfectants that can damage the central nervous system, pancreas, kidneys, liver and spleen. Precisely how healthy and happy your life can be largely hinges on the chemicals that you use in your home. Most of these chemicals were developed to kill germs but they may also be made to kill you.

A germ-free atmosphere is what a lot of people want their home to be like, but that can weaken their immune-system. Because an environment is in fact germ-free, our immune-system will not be very active helping to make your body vulnerable to germs from the outside. Oven cleaners include the most toxic among all household cleaners. They have very potent fumes making it very risky to inhale. You can have breathing problems by inhaling the cleaners plus they can eat away at your skin because they consist of ammonia and lye.

The best cleanser to use for the oven is a combination of water and baking soda. Leave in on overnight, after you sprinkle it on your oven, and then just rinse it off in the morning. You won’t have to worry about inhaling dangerous chemicals. Synthetic air fresheners may also be dangerous since there are agents that can damage nerves. You can be deprived of your sense of smell so aroma-therapy oils are usually a better option. It is essential that you buy natural and safe ways to keep your home clean to help minimize respiratory problems like asthma. You’ll notice the best choice for cleaning dirt and grime are products that are all-natural.

These all-natural treatments are non-toxic and very safe for the environment and are never tested on animals. Many companies claim that their products are completely natural, but sometimes this is not the case. Make the effort to always examine the labels to see what’s inside before you buy.